Before I start to write on my reflection, I would like to thank Mr. Blackstone and all my dearest classmates, as I have learnt a lot from all of you.
Time flies and this module have finally coming to an end. Before taking this module, I was wondering whether I should opt for it and would it be too difficult for me to manage. Fortunately, I have gone through it and benefited much from it. I don't regret taking this module, although it was quite taxing.
For me, this module was so real, just like a process starting from job application to professional oral presentation that I would have encountered in the working arena. From the day we were told to write the job application letter and resume, I felt as if I was really going to work. This feeling became stronger during the mock interview as the situation was so real and the questions asked were so professional. During then, it made me realized the importance of professional communication, in order to impress the potential employer and secure a job. Besides that, working as a group for the major project also exposed me to the future working environment, where good interpersonal and communication skills are needed. Lastly, the oral presentation, which is the most unforgettable part of this module, made me realized the importance of confidence and some non-verbal skills in professional communication. Thus, I feel that this module is quite helpful as it has given me some exposure to the challenges that I may encounter in a potential working place.
Blogging and peer teaching have also helped me a lot in developing some communication skills. For example, through peer teaching, I realized the importance of engaging the audience during a presentation. As I am a discreet person, I do not voice my opinions much. However, this module had given me a good chance to improve myself in this area, since I was required to give my comments and share my views. I feel that I could interact better now. I think this is the most significant benefit that I have gained from this module.
To end this, may all of you always be happy and well.